Archive for August, 2009

New Art: Irish logos

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Hi there! If you are looking for Irish logos or a logo design for your business, look to Workhouse, the new company of Waltzer Design. Workhouse designs logos, websites, corporate identity for small and medium sized businesses in Ireland.

What if logos had to be in Irish for the Gaeltacht? Inspired by over-enthusiastic students in Spiddal calling 7up “Seacht Suas” I thought about translating some other famous logos and putting them into their graphics. Some of these might be cool on a t-shirt.

Irish Product Names

Waltzer Design is now WORKHOUSE! Visit for logos and corporate identity work in Ireland.

Yay! Second place in the Dublin section of the Worldwide Photo Walk!

Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Elaine taking a photo at the Dublin Photo Walk

Elaine taking a photo at the Dublin Photo Walk

On July 18th, myself and 40 other photographers met on the steps of the Custom house for the Dublin entry of the Wordwide Photo Walk. We walked around the area on a very rainy day taking photos to be submitted for a competition. The photo above came joint second with the fourth photo on that page. There was no prize for second though, only first. The winner in Dublin is submitted to the international organisers who choose 11 winners from over 900 cities that participated.

I was delighted to come second! See the rest of my shots from the day, or look at all the shots taken by the Dublin photographers.